Siba's tip...

I love broccoli and this is my steamed version of the broccoli bake.

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Steamed Broccoli with Mustard Sauce

Prep time

10 min

Cook time

20 min



Broccoli component

  • 1 large broccoli head
  • Enough water to half-fill the saucepan in which you’ll steam the broccoli

Mustard sauce

  • 30 g butter, cubed
  • 30 ml flour
  • 375 ml hot, full-cream milk
  • 5 ml Dijon mustard
  • 5 ml multi-seeded mustard grains
  • 150 g mature Cheddar cheese, grated
  • Flaked sea salt, to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 red bird’s eye chilli, deseeded and chopped


  1. Half-fill the saucepan you will use to steam the broccoli with water. Bring the water to the boil.
  2. Place the broccoli in a colander or steaming bowl over the saucepan containing the boiling water. Steam the broccoli for 8−10 minutes until cooked through but still crunchy.
  3. Meanwhile in another saucepan, heat the butter until melted. Add the flour and stir to make a roux (base for a ‘white sauce’). Place the saucepan aside and whisk in the hot milk until well combined.
  4. Place the saucepan back on the heat and cook for 10 minutes whisking continuously until slightly thickened and smooth.
  5. Add the two mustards, grated cheese and stir well. Season and set aside. Remove the broccoli from the saucepan and place on a platter. Pour the sauce over it and sprinkle with chopped chilli. Serve immediately while still warm.

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