Whenever I make my kids lunchboxes especially when they involve shapes, I am often left with left overs which I usually eat as I go along (I am sure as most moms’ do) that’s if there is any time in the morning.
If I don’t get to eating them, I keep them in a container in the fridge for later use. For instance, I grate the left over cheese, and use it for anything that requires it like a pizza.
As for the left over bread, I place it in the fridge and when the time comes for me to use it, I cut it into small pieces, season and drizzle with oil. Bake them until crispy to make croutons.
Sometime I take it step further and allow my croutons to cool down and blitz them to make flavoured bread crumbs which I use for my pasta topping. Mixed with cheese.
The great thing about this sandwich is that the cutting can be made a night before and kept in a closed container and just thread everything in the morning to save you sometime within that rush hour.