Siba's tip...

The great thing about this dressing is that it can be made in advance and stored in the fridge until serving time. If the oysters are frozen, it’s best to defrost them overnight in the fridge. Make sure they’re in a closed container so that they don’t drip onto, and contaminate, other food in the fridge. Arrange the oysters as close to your guests’ arrival as possible so that the ice doesn’t melt away before you serve them. Keep in a cool area, away from direct sunlight. Shallots are the smaller, oval-shaped onions, which are milder and have more of a subtle, sweet taste. They’re great in vinaigrettes and egg dishes, and in this recipe they complement the oysters very well.

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Prep time

10 min

Cook time



  • 1 small shallot onion, very finely chopped
  • 80 ml raspberry vinegar
  • 15 ml white sugar
  • a splash of olive oil
  • 60 ml pomegranate rubies, plus extra to garnish


  • 1 litre bag of ice, crushed
  • sea salt
  • 12 oysters, defrosted if not fresh
  • 15 ml fresh coriander, to garnish


  1. To make the salsa: Mix the chopped shallot, vinegar, sugar, olive oil and pomegranate rubies together in a jug and set aside.
  2. On a serving platter, layer the crushed ice and sprinkle the sea salt over it. (Salt prevents the ice from melting too quickly.) Arrange the oysters on top.
  3. Spoon a little salsa over each oyster and garnish with the extra pomegranate rubies and coriander.

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